Study Abroad

Study Abroad Opportunities

留学在大学生活中扮演着重要的角色&J education, det365app很自豪地提供从两周的JayTerm旅行课程到学期和一年的课程.

国际项目的工作人员都渴望支持W&J students hoping to study abroad, 指导他们完成申请过程, 为他们出国做准备, and providing continual support and communication to the students while they are away from campus. 您可以利用det365app为每个学术课程的学生提供的经批准的出国留学项目的强大列表. 仔细的计划很重要,所以det365app鼓励学生提前计划. 请注意,det365app有一个申请周期,截止日期为3月1日, 因此,请在截止日期前留出充足的时间进行咨询.

请注意,det365app有更多的信息在det365app的内部MyW&J pages for current students.


Study Abroad Programs

det365app很自豪能在世界各地提供30多个学期的课程, including Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Latin & South America. Current students can check MyW&以获取最新的房源信息,如果您正在考虑W,请与det365app联系&J and want to know more. JayTerm旅游课程每年都会更新.

Study Abroad Scholarships


Qualified W&学生可以申请奖学金,以帮助支付参加批准的海外留学项目一学期或一学年的必要费用. 为了有资格获得这些奖项,学生必须有2.累计平均绩点5分,注册为全日制W&J student. 本奖项由W&J alumni.

Access the application here.


  • 10月15日(春季学期或海外历年)
  • 3月15日(国外秋季学期或整学年)


The 爱德华和芭芭拉·格雷布旅游奖 assists students who will be studying abroad during JayTerm.


Apply here.

Are you a faculty or staff member planning to submit a recommendation for a student's application? Here is the recommendation form. 所有推荐都必须通过此表格提交. Thank you!

Vira I. 亨氏女性、非双性恋和跨性别全球领袖项目

维拉海因茨基金会(Vira Heinz Endowment)向华盛顿颁发最多三个奖学金,金额至少为5000美元 & Jefferson female, non-binary, and/or transgender students planning to spend a summer studying abroad. Applicants must be in their sophomore or junior year prior to the summer they are planning to study abroad, have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.无国际工作经验(加拿大除外). 要了解有关该计划的更多信息,请访问 Vira I. 亨氏女性、非二元性和跨性别全球领袖项目网站.

General Scholarships

注意,这些都是外部资金来源. det365app试图尽det365app所能保持这些联系, 但信息有时会在det365app不知情的情况下发生变化.

Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship
吉尔曼奖学金计划为美国学生提供高达5000美元的奖学金.S. 来自两年制和四年制大学的公民本科生. 它旨在支持那些传统上在海外留学中代表性不足的学生. 必须获得联邦佩尔助学金才有资格.

博伦奖学金为美国学生提供了一个独特的奖学金机会.S. 希望出国留学的本科生. The program awards scholarships to American students for study of world regions critical to U.S. 兴趣(西欧、加拿大、澳大利亚或新西兰以外的任何地区). You may contact Dr. Susan Vdovichenko,俄语助理教授,寻求帮助.

The Richard S. Pett Academic Travel Award

Established in memory of Richard S. Pett by his wife, Lynne, and his daughters, Melissa and Lauren, “学术旅游奖”颁发给有志于出国留学的外语专业大三或大四学生. For more information, contact the Department of Modern Languages.


弗里曼亚洲留学奖(Freeman- Asia)
Created to assist U.S. 有经济需要且在东亚和东南亚有有限经验的学生,可获得3美元以下的奖励,000-$7,000.


Pi Delta Phi 为暑期出国留学的学生提供几项奖学金,以表彰在法语学习方面取得优异成绩的学生. 该年度奖项旨在使活跃分会的本科正式成员能够继续学习法语和法语文学和文化. 获奖者将学习法语授课并获得学分. 受助人通常会在现场参加法语考试.


German Academic Exchange Service

German American Business Circle
The German American Business Circle of Pittsburgh is partnering with the Pittsburgh Rotary Club Foundation to award a $2,500 scholarship. 它旨在惠及宾夕法尼亚州西部的大学水平的学生,他们在学术上表现优异,对德美商业事务和文化有浓厚的兴趣, and who plan to further their studies at an accredited institution of higher learning in Germany. There is typically one application cycle with an October 15 deadline for study abroad in the following academic year. 查看GABC网站的最新信息.

你可以找到申请信息 here.

之前的获奖者包括Brendan Troesch, Marisa Rosario '20Andrew Donatelli '20Victoria Healy '18Angela Nied '17 and Aric Brown '17.

German Honorary Society Scholarship
Delta Phi Alpha德国荣誉协会的入会成员有资格申请国家德意志ehrenverindung奖学金, 在德语国家留学一个学期的费用是多少.


The Bridging Project
桥接项目为参加日本留学项目的美国本科生提供奖学金. 来自私人基金会和美国主要机构的资助.S. 公司,通过捐赠给非营利组织 U.S.-Japan Bridging Foundation, 每年可以提供大约100个奖学金,以帮助学生支付在日本留学一学期或一学年的旅行和生活费用.

在日本学习的奖学金为5000 - 9000美元.

Japan Monbukagakusho Scholarship
Monbukagakusho, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT), 为希望在日本学习的非日本公民提供五种不同的奖学金.

Middle East

在开罗的美国大学学习高级阿拉伯语. 请访问CASA网站了解更多信息.


Sigma Delta Pi, 全国大学西班牙裔荣誉协会, 提供夏季和学年的本科生出国留学奖.

A Note to Parents & Family Members

世界突然变得更小,联系更紧密,det365app的学生将被期望在新的全球经济中发挥专业作用. 留学经历在各个方面改变了det365app的学生:智力, personally, and professionally. Academic studies pursued in another country provide a special kind of intellectual challenge. 离开家,到另一个国家去冒险,可以增强年轻人的能力,激发他们的个人成长和自信. 留学经历也可以大大增强简历, 对于雇主来说,留学经历是一个人接受挑战并能在各种情况下发挥作用的明确标志.

What's your role as a parent?

  • 花点时间去了解你的学生选择的项目. 和你的儿子或女儿谈谈他们为什么选择这个项目, what they hope to gain from it, what they plan to do to prepare, etc. The Office of Study Abroad provides pre-departure materials as well - ask your student to share these with you.
  • 考虑拜访你的学生——下半学期是一个很好的时间. By this time, students are settled in, comfortable with their surroundings, and knowledgeable guides. 作为父母,让你的儿子或女儿自豪地充当你的向导是一个伟大的时刻.
  • 鼓励你的学生,指导你的学生,但不要为他们做准备工作. 他们对出国留学中必要细节的关注是他们成长的重要组成部分,也是成功出国留学经历的关键. 坚持让你的学生为校外经历承担主要责任,有助于让你的儿子或女儿更有能力, and encourages the independence and self-reliance that will ultimately make an off-campus experience rewarding.
  • Read the Parent Guide to Study Abroad,提供建议和观点. This resource is published by the Institute of International Education and the American Institute For Foreign Study.

Contact Us

Office of Global Education
The Hub for Student Success

Michaela Culley,国际项目助理主任